Archives: Doctors

Dr. Samson Demissie Gezahegn

Dr. Samson Demissie Gezahegn Specialist In General Surgery & Sub Specialist In Urology and Renal Transplantation Academic Background Dr. Samson Demissie Gezahegn is an Assistant Professor of Surgery at Hawassa University and St. Paule Hospital. Awards & Honors Medical Doctor (MD) – 2000 E.C General Surgery – 2004 E.C. Urology and Renal Transplantation – 2010 […]
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Dr. Abiy Worku Haile

Dr. Abiy Worku Haile Assistant Professor In Orthopedic SurgerySubspecialty in trauma and Arthroplasty Academic Background General Orthopedic surgery, HIP replacement and artificial joint replacement.
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